MSK Therapy

Strengthening the body to avoid recurring and future injuries

Dragonfly Skin Leeds Spa - MSK Therapy 1
Dragonfly Skin Spa Day - Leeds Massage Salon
Dragonfly Skin Leeds Spa - MSK Therapy 2

MSK Therapy

Musculoskeletal therapy is a form of corrective treatment used for a variety of muscular and skeletal conditions, the aim of which is to restore range of motion and strength after suffering from injury or illness. A hands-on approach to speeding up your bodies innate healing process. Strengthening the body to avoid recurring and future injuries. Reduction in pain, swollen muscle tissue and joints. The use of trigger point therapy, myofascial release, and soft tissue mobilization Improving posture, range of motion and biomechanics. Maintaining health, fitness and educating you on your recovery and how to be involved. Prevent muscle spasms and correct scar tissue. The therapy time includes consultation and dressing up.

1 hour
2 hours
1 hour 30 min