Benefits of the touch therapy include improved sleep and natural boost to wellness
Touch Therapy Spa Rituals aim to relax and slow down the mind and bring harmony to your mind and body. This gentle massage consists of slow, soothing and rhythmic movements that will take you to the state of tranquillity and relaxation. Benefits of the touch therapy include improved sleep and natural boost to wellness. Thanks to use of paraben-free 100% organic oils used, and the gentle nature of the massage itself, touch therapy is completely safe for everybody, even those with a compromised immune system, such as those who have been diagnosed with cancer. Touch therapy, similarly to meditation, will allow you to let go of the stresses and anxieties of daily life. The therapist will create a ritual specific to your needs so that you leave with a sense of true wellbeing.
Choose from 60-minute or 90-minute experience.
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